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Opening of the first organic Café in Prague

The first organic Café called Bio Cafes in Prague has been opened in October 2005.

2006 year of truth for organic in Dutch supermarkets

Thanks to a shrinking food market, in the second quarter of 2005 the Dutch organic food market share grew 0.2 % to a total of 2 %.

New: Tutto Bio 2006 published in Italy

A yearbook with the title “Tutto Bio 2006” was brought out in January by the publisher Egaf.

At last “Everything Organic”: Yardo opens in St. Gallen

The first Yardo “super Biomarkt” (organic supermarket) in Switzerland opened its doors in the centre of St. Gallen on Thursday 26 January 2006.

The Foundation for Organic Agriculture Supported by AIAB

More and more people in Italy are putting fresh or processed foods from organic production on their tables.

Regulating European organic production: Commission’s draft is unacceptable

On January 23rd and 24th 2006, the Agriculture Ministers of the 25 member states reached a decision on the Commission’s new draft for regulation of organic production by the community.

EU implements New Organic Farming Unit

In the beginning of the year there have been some changes in the DG agri, the agricultural administration of the EU.

Sales Channels: the Italian Wholesale Market and the Up-and-Coming Box Scheme

In the past, Italy was not a classic country for the sales channel known as the box scheme.

New Organic Shrimp Farm in Florida

As the oceans are depleted, the future of seafood will likely lie in aquaculture.

Dear reader, welcome to Organic-Market.Info

We would like to present to you a new form of magazine.

Italy’s Organic Market in the Process of Consolidation - An Overview of the Market

Observers of the market are agreed that the Italian organic market is currently undergoing consolidation, although at the same time positive tendencies are also apparent.

GMO Farming is slowing down

The annual rise of biotech cultivation grew last year at its slowest pace since 1996.

Organic Supermarket Chains: a Great Surge in Expansion

“We would never have believed that we would set such an avalanche rolling,” Basic-founder George Schweisfurth says in amazement today.

More organic milk needed in Britain

Britain needs more organic dairy producers to meet rapidly growing demand for organic milk, says a new report, offering new opportunities for the industry.

Italy: Big Growth Potential in School Meals and Restaurants

It has taken five years for the breakthrough to happen: in 2004, 920,000 organic meals daily were produced in schools, which was an increase of 15 % compared with the year before.

Whole Foods wants to close Fresh and Wild in London after opening new store

Near Kensington Palace workers are constructing the world's biggest organic department store.

Natural Personal Care Products Gaining Ground

Natural personal care products are gaining ground in the UK with sales almost doubling between 2002 and 2005.

Biotos Plans to Expand the Whole Food Retail Chain Green Post

'We would like to open a large specialist organic store with 500-1000 m² of floor space.' This is how the managing director of Biotos, Stamoulis Manginas, explains the strategy of the firm that was founded in 1999.

Development Of Organic Supermarkets In London Gets Underway Again

When the first organic supermarket started up in November 1995 in England, it was regarded as a sensation.

Naturaline becoming the best organic cotton marketing in the world

Accounting for approximately 1000 t of organic cotton every year, the Coop is (according to its own figures) the biggest buyer in the world.

News in brief and reports

NaturaSì at Sana


BioCordoba 2007

