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1st Fair Tech and Bio in France

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

At Chantemerle-les-blès at the Département Drôme, the fair Tech & Bio is taking place from Sept. 7 to 8, 2007 for the first time to address all professionals of organic and conventional agriculture. The visitors can discover many techniques and cultivation practices, which are innovating and respecting the environment, and were initiated and proven by organic agriculture. All these techniques introduced may be applied to conventional production. All branches of production are represented - market gardening, stock farming, husbandry, fruit-growing, viniculture and plants for aromatherapy and medicine on 15 hectares.


There is a chance to meet numerous experts who are at the visitor’s disposal to answer occurring questions and one can choose from many events of the large technical program:

Study groups on production techniques, led by specialists of the Chambers of Agriculture and technical institutes. Forums held by organic organisations and Synabio on the commercialisation of products.

Demonstrations make it possible to see the efficiency of harvesting equipment, field working machinery, weed control etc.


Almost 12,000 enterprises in France are working according to organic standards on 555,000 hectares today. The Drôme is the primary organic Département in the country. The organic market in France shows an average increase of turnover of 10 % every year.


In each Chamber of Agriculture in France, the organic technician is available for further information.

The fair’s program is available at


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