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Ifoam World Congress 2008 in Modena / Italy

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The organic world will get together in June 2008 to leap toward the fulfilment of its vision: to make the world organic. In Modena, the local government and AIAB have gathered their energy and resources to establish the “Consorzio Modena Bio 2008” in order to create a global platform for discussion and for sharing information and experience – the 16th Ifoam organic world congress, based on the IFOAM Principles of Organic Agriculture – health, fairness, ecology and care.


Founded on these basic principles, other focal points will be regional values and indigenous knowledge, innovation and cooperation. The OWC intends to offer platforms and to build bridges between cultures and regions with the help of leading personalities from science and arts. Conferences, workshops, seminars, round tables, active and living poster sessions – many parallel events will follow different threads, but are weaved together. To have a rich, diverse and effective organic world congress, everybody actively engaged in organic agriculture and willing to contribute with his or her work to the program is invited to send a paper (click here).



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