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Fairtrade events all over Italy

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Fairtrade Transfair Italy and its partners managed to get Fairtrade companies and organisations, large distribution chains, health stores, libraries, cultural centres, banks and gastronomies together to celebrate “Io faccio la spesa giusta” – “I do fair shopping” in Italy. Events all over the country will take place 2007 from Oct. 13th to 21st.


Just like the three years before, Fairtrade certified products and the idea behind Fairtrade in general will be promoted. Last year’s participants GS, Carrefour, Conad, Coop, NaturaSì and B’io will be joined by even more companies this year – for example by Crai, who has launched its own Fairtrade brand last year. Auchan, the large French distributing chain with branches in eleven Italian regions, will also take the chance to show the resources and potentials of the South of the world.


During that week, various cultural events will also attract the public - authorities of the sector can be met and concerts will be hosted by MTV to reach the young public.



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