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Launch of organic wool knitwear range

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Britain’s largest clothing retailer, Marks & Spencer, toured through Australia to source the highest quality organic wool from farms for their next clothing range. The retailer is one of the world’s largest wool users, with an annual demand of more than 8 million kilograms. The textile and clothing group Ciel Textile will make 650,000 woollen garments for the Marks & Spencer organic wool knitwear range, which will be introduced in the UK this autumn already. Elders had put forward 705 bales of certified and accredited organic wool in Ausralia’s largest ever organic wool sale.


Elders Wool general manager, Mark Rodda, stated that the company’s first organic feature sale attracted widespread interest among specialist wool growers and overseas wool buyers, and that the level of attention and support should be even greater in the future. 


Australia produces 300 tonnes of certified organic wool a year, 0.1 % of the national total. The AWI Programme Manager for Knowledge Services mentioned that retail market research predicted that this could rise to 5 to 10 % of the market. He added that a number of retailers were already sampling organic wool products.


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