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Organic Food Festival 2007

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Europe’s largest celebration of organic, the Soil Association Organic Food Festival, will take place from September 1st to September 2th 2007. Kicking off the Soil Association Organic Fortnight, which will be held until September 16th, it offers a huge range of activities as well as the opportunity to try and buy thousands of organic products. This year, UK’s first national organic fashion show is also scheduled. Besides the food tasting and the organic fashion show, a celebrity demo kitchen, a kid’s zone, talks, a relaxation zone, an arts festival and a green planet pavilion will round off the festival. Organic Food Festival


The Soil Association calls on the nation to “Wake up to an Organic Breakfast”. Retailers, brands and restaurants across the UK are currently preparing to promote their organic breakfast items, encouraging everyone to try an organic breakfast during the Fortnight. Organic Breakfast


A full list of Events is also available.





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