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European Organic Congress

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The future EU policy on organic food and farming within the Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) is the focus of the European Organic Congress to be held in Brussels from December 4 to 5, 2007. This large-scale forum of the organic sector in Europe, which is organised by the IFOAM EU Group, is expected to bring together at least 200 participants representing: the European Commission, authorities and organisations from the EU Member States, Members of Parliament and a broad range of stakeholders from all over Europe.


The European Organic Congress will evaluate the implementation of the European Action Plan on Organic Food and Farming three and half years after it was launched. In a second step, the participants will discuss and develop a political agenda within the CAP of the EU–27 to enhance the further development of organic food and farming, underlining the various benefits organic production can deliver to society and how it can contribute to the EU political objectives.


The following topics will be given particular consideration:


-The benefits of organic food and farming to society
-Organic food and farming policy within the CAP ‘Health Check’ and the mid-term review
-Merging environmental policy and aims into a consistent CAP
-Organic research to boost jobs, innovation and competitiveness
-The new organic regulation: opportunities & challenges
-Organic certification, processing and trade


The IFOAM EU Group invites all interested stakeholders to the Congress and is seeking cooperation with farmers, all organic operators, the food sector as well as environmental organisations, trade unions and consumer organisations. Further information, detailed programme and possibility to register for the event will be available from end of July through a Congress website. For more information: IFOAM EU Group, Phone + 32-2-280 12 23, Fax: +32-2-735 73 81,



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