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Organic industry grows steadily in the US with stabilizing purchasing patterns

According to the Organic Trade Association’s latest Industry Survey, market volatility and pantry loading are decreasing in the United States and industry growth is shifting back toward historic trends.

The Sustainable Foods Summit will take place in Amsterdam in July

The European edition of the Sustainable Foods Summit will be held in Amsterdam on July 7 and 8, 2022. The Summit will discuss the implications of the Ukrainian conflict on food security and sustainability issues.

Online petition demands "no free pass for genetic engineering"

The Federation of the Organic Food Industry (BÖLW) is collecting signatures against the EU Commission's plans to change the genetic engineering law in favor of new genetic engineering methods.

The fifth World Organic Forum will be held in Southern Germany

The fifth World Organic Forum will be held at Kirchberg Castle from June 27 to 30, 2022. The focus will be on the local implementation of the UN Agenda 2030 with its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

Ukraine: can we help through trade?

Despite the Russian invasion, the Ukrainian organic sector calls on their international partners to help organic operators through trade. But what is and what is not possible in times of war? 

Aldi Suisse launched new organic brand "retour aux sources"

Aldi Suisse created a new organic brand whose cornerstones are sustainability, transparency, fairness and top quality. Dairy products, meat and eggs are the first to be launched, more products will follow soon. The dairy products come from completely antibiotic-free animal husbandry.

Weleda remains stable in 2021

Weleda AG was able to achieve sales of 425 million Euros in 2021, thus remaining stable in difficult times. The operating result was below the previous year due to increased investments, while the consolidated annual result changed only insignificantly. The company presented its 2021 annual result to its 2022 Annual General Meeting.

European Organic Congress will take place in Bordeaux

On June 16 and 17, the annual European Organic Congress will be held in Bordeaux, France. IFOAM Organics Europe, together with Interbio Nouvelle-Aquitaine, organized this event that includes plenary sessions, workshops, and networking opportunities.

EU citizens' initiative calls for adherence to binding pesticide reductions

In view of the Ukraine crisis, the European citizens' initiative "Save Bees and Farmers" fears that the Europe-wide target to reduce pesticide use could be watered down. In an open letter, the alliance appeals to the German government to not allow this to happen.

Fair trade products achieve record sales

Consumers in Germany spent significantly more money on fair trade products in 2021 than in the previous year. Growth drivers were roses, cocoa and tea.

Pesticide trial in South Tyrol ends with acquittal

The Regional Court of Bolzano has also dropped the last charge against environmental activist and current Green member of the Bundestag Karl Bär. This means that this attempt to silence critics of pesticides by legal means has finally failed.

Living banana prices – Lidl to pay surcharge to plantations in future

The discounter Lidl wants to pay a price surcharge for all its bananas in the future, so that the workers in the plantations receive a living wage. Partners in the implementation are Fairtrade and the certifier Flocert.

European organic movement calls for a systemic approach to carbon farming

As carbon farming is a current priority on the EU agenda when it comes to climate change mitigation in agriculture, IFOAM Organics Europe urges in their new position paper the need for a holistic and multi-dimensional approach to carbon farming.

Rising sales from organic food in the Czech Republic

The market for organic food in the Czech Republic is growing. Compared to 2019, the growth was 14 per cent higher, and Czech households consumed organic food worth CZK 5.99 billion (compared to CZK 5.26 billion in 2019). This is according to the report on the organic food market in the Czech Republic in 2020, published by the Ministry of Agriculture.

New FiBL study shows ways for climate-neutral organic agriculture by 2040

Net-zero emissions in organic agriculture in Switzerland are challenging, but possible. This is the conclusion of a study published today by the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL). 

Organic sales in Switzerland reach for the first time over four billion Swiss Francs

For the first time, Swiss retailers and direct marketers turned over more than four billion Swiss Francs in organic products, Bio Suisse announced at its annual media conference this year.

Triballat Noyal now bears the name of its founder

The manufacturer behind brands like Sojade and Bergerie has a new name. Since April 1, the company has been operating under the first name of its founder.

Pasta Nuova is now called Mossa GmbH

The manufacturer behind the specialist trade brand Pasta Nuova has been operating under the name Mossa GmbH since April 1. The renaming is intended to make external communication clearer and more transparent.

"Eco" to be added to EU "black list"

The EU Commission has presented a series of proposals aimed at protecting the climate and strengthening retailers and consumers. According to the proposals, ambiguous statements about a product's environmental properties will no longer be permitted.

Organic food was trending in Austria in 2021

In 2021, special offers and organic products were again in particular demand. Consumption was above the pre-crisis level, although not quite as high as in 2020.

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