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„Io faccio la spesa giusta“ all over Italy

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

“Io faccio la spesa giusta” – I do shopping the correct way is an event initiated by Fairtrade Transfair Italy, standing for strict principles, to promote products coming from Southern countries of the world. For the 3rd time, this event is taking place all over the country – this year starting on October 14th and ending on October 22nd. It is supported by many organizations and celebrities of film, culture and sports. 3,000 selling points are involved, including well-known NaturaSì and B’io as well as Banca Etica. This year, even 50 restaurants, self-service restaurants and bars will offer FairTrade alternatives to their customers to support this campaign. Many vending machines will offer the products as well.


Numerous presentations, campaigns for information, tasting, concerts and of course the possibility to purchase the products will help to support this event as well as a large exhibition in Rome. Last year’s "Io faccio la spesa giusta" showed great interest and helped to increase the popularity of these products tremendously.



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