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IFOAM EU Group and BEO set up a European Organic Processor Group

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Together they will establish an IFOAM EU "Organic Processing" sector group. This new cooparation will ensure that the specific concerns of the rapidly growing organic processing sector are given due attention. It will also strenghten the representation of the whole organic sector in Brussels by speaking with the "one organic voice" of the IFOAM EU Group flag.


Picture: A cheers for the new cooperation at BioFach 2006



The main aims of the new IFOAM EU "Organic Processing" sector group is to address important organic processing and trade issues and prepare common IFOAM EU Group positions on these topics which will be communicated to the European institutions. A kick-off meeting was held on the 29th of March in Slovenia, at the start of the regular IFOAM EU Group Board meeting. Joint meetings will allow the Board immediately to work with the processor group's Advice.


In its start-up period, the core of the new sector group will be formed by the national processor umbrella organisations Aoel(D), Probila (B), Synabio (F) and VBP (NL) united in BEO. Together they represent about 400 organic processing and trading companies with a turnover about € 2bn. New memberships will be actively sought amongst all IFOAM EU member organisations dealing with organic processing. BEO and the IFOAM EU Group are convinced that this cooperation is an important step forward to a better representation of the "organic food chain" in Europe. That cooperation will bring benefits for organic manufacturers, retailers, farmers and consumers.



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