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„Biodomenica“– Organic Sunday in Italy on October 1st

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

On October 1st, the big festival celebrating the environment, biodiversity, health, food and style, animal well-being as well as responsible consumption, is being held for the 7th time. The festival is organized by AIAB in cooperation with the farmers association Coldiretti and the environmentalists Legambiente to promote the consumption of products which are safe and of good quality, with tradition and culture, to make the agricultural world meet with the consumers. Thanks to the Corriere della Sera (major Italian newspaper) one million leaflets on organic agriculture can be handed out.


In about one hundred Italian places, the citizens have the opportunity to enjoy organic products and meet producers to receive information about processing and on the characteristics of organic products. In each town, initiatives are dedicated to the typical local products: In Naples, for example, one can taste pizza, in Genoa, there will be pesto, in Rome wine is offered and Florence focuses on oil.


NaturaSì will take part in the event as well introducing their campaign “GM Food – No, thank you”. NaturaSì is Italy’s largest supermarket chain for organic food is working in cooperation with Sviluppo Italia (Development Italy) on the project “Against hunger: No to GM, yes to food independence” to support a village in Swaziland.



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