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Subsidies for organic food in Bulgaria

by Redaktion (comments: 0)


Subsidies worth 12.6 million Euros will be distributed among organic farmers and food producers in Bulgaria , since the country is looking to capitalize on the growing export market. Bulgaria will  become an EU member in 2007. The subsidies come as a sign of the bloc’s wish to promote environmentally sustainable agriculture through its member states.


 Eastern Europe's producers are increasingly turning away from genetically modified and processed food. Even though producers are keen to benefit from strong sales in organic food, the consumption in the country is still very low. Neil Sorenson of IFOAM stated that organic food was very expensive and many people could not afford it, therefore the domestic market was basically non-existent. Producers, however, had caught on to demand in richer nations.


The project will be co-funded between the EC (75 % of the cost) and the Bulgarian government, supplying the rest and be distributed by the country’s Special Accession Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development agency.



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