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Organic Meat Group in Scotland

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The independent producer group Caledonian Organics was set up to market organic beef and lamb in Scotland and northern England. It has brought consistency of supply to the market and improved returns for its farmer members. Caledonian Organics’ procurement manager Jenny Cuthbert stated that marketing and supply of organic meat in Scotland has previously been disorganized. Therefore retailers have often sourced their requirements abroad and topped up with UK organic meat as it was required.


Since their launch in November last year, a turnover of about 520,000 Euro was recorded. The group currently has 60 farmer members, supplying the market with an average of 300 lambs a week and 15 to 20 cattle, but holds contracts to supply up to 1,000 organic lambs and 60 organic cattle a week. More suppliers are needed – Caledonian Organics hopes to recruit a further 40 producers by Christmas. Its position is to be strengthened by adding to the number of retailers and wholesalers it supplies.


Ms Cuthbert said that there was a large number of conventional producers in the conversion stage. If they were ensured that their premiums were not eroded once this extra produce came into the market, an organized and steady supply was needed, not a fragmented one like it had been in the past. Caledonian Organics is building their negotiating power by increasing the number of outlets. In the longer term, marketing their meat under their own brand could be a possibility.


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