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Soil Association Food Festival in Scotland

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The first Organic Food Festival in Scotland, hosted by the Soil Association, will take place on November 4 and 5 at Glasgow’s Old Fruit Market. It will show the best in organic food and drink, including many Scottish produce, and provide many gift ideas. The festival has already been welcomed as a positive addition to Glasgow’s program of world class events. (Picture/Soil Association)


The Soil Association’s Organic Food Festival in Bristol has been a great success and pulled over 100,000 people since its beginning. This reflects how strong the organic market is. In the UK, organic sales grew 30 per cent lat year.


The festival in Glasgow will offer a food market with seasonal food and drink, wild harvested products, organic health and skincare products, textiles and ideas for the home at various stalls. Special organic menus will be offered. Talks and tasting programs will show interested public what is so special about organic food. Scottish chefs will have a demonstration kitchen and provide the public with recipe ideas and give healthy ideas from school packed lunches to Christmas treats. Live entertainment, film screenings, cookery workshops and children’s activities will be fun ways to find out where food comes from.


Hugh Raven, Soil Association Scotland’s director, thinks that the time is right for a festival with Scottish flavour, since Scotland’s high-quality food products are known worldwide. It will give consumers the chance to find out more about the benefits of an organic lifestyle. 


The entrance fee will be £ 2 (€3), free entrance will be granted for members of the Soil Association and for kids.


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