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Fruit Snacks available in schools at Ravenna (Italy)

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The Province and the School Office of the Province have launched a completely new project in some schools at Ravenna. Fruit Snacks are available in vending machines from now on. Fruit, vegetables, dried fruit, pulp of fruit, organic fruit juices and yogurt and no-sugar cakes can be pulled out in single portions.


This is the first project of this kind launched in Italy in order to realize food education in a new way. Since healthy food is not very popular among young people, this is an important step to fulfil the task of the school: to educate pupils about a healthier life-style.


The project is called “Fruit Snacks – What a Taste” and aims to fight one of the big problems among youngsters – obesity. The launch of vending machines is accompanied by various campaigns to inform the public, campaigns in the school classes and even on the radio. The project will be analyzed for results. About 8,000 students will benefit from this project. The high interest shown by teachers and school executives confirmed the need for this novelty in schools.


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