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Dutch organic sales increased by 11.5 percent in 2015

Trade Coventional Food Retail Trade

01.11.2016 Editor

The share of organic in the retail (grocery and specialty) was more than 4.3% in 2015. In the first half of 2016 the growth at the supermarkets goes on.

Hard Discounters forced into sustainable food products

Trade Coventional Food Retail Trade

25.10.2016 Editor

Hard discounters like Lidl or Aldi are known for offering cheap products that have been exposed to chemical fertilizer and pesticides. Nonetheless, with the global increase of organic food consumption, these giants also seemed to be forced to switch more and more to sustainable products.

Organic is becoming increasingly popular in Ukraine

Trade Coventional Food Retail Trade

04.10.2016 Editor

In recent years Ukraine has attracted attention mainly on account of two issues connected with organic agriculture in Germany. First, an increasing proportion of organic fodder in Europe is being covered by imports from Ukraine. And second there are cases of residues and also fraud concerning the big and complex organic trade structures in the south of Ukraine, and they have never been completely cleared up. The end result is a very one-sided and  rather negative image of the country. The following contribution shows that organic in Ukraine is, however, also very vibrant and diverse and that organic products are becoming increasingly popular in the country itself. The domestic market is constantly growing.

Organic-food competition hurts sales

Trade Coventional Food Retail Trade

12.08.2016 Editor

Whole Foods dominated the American market for organic food for a long time. Now, companies like Kroger  and Wal-Mart have increased their range of organic products drastically.

Conventional food is considerably more expensive than organic food

Trade Coventional Food Retail Trade


For a long time the organic industry has been having a discussion about so-called externalized costs. But far from all consumers are aware of the fact that the low price of food is achieved at a cost because of the chemicals used in agriculture, factory farming and the severe consequences for the environment. Or they put it to the back of their minds. It’s high time to tell people the truth. This is the reason why Volkert Engelsman, head of the Dutch organic company Eosta, has launched the information campaign “The True Cost of Food”. Organic supermarkets have started to promote the campaign. The background and a video interview with Volkert Engelsman.

Aldi's new organic selection is challenging Whole Foods

Trade Coventional Food Retail Trade

05.02.2016 Editor

The German Aldi supermarket chain, which has 1,500 stores in the U.S., is becoming a bigger challenge to organic supermarkets as it expands its selection.

Alnatura cooperating with Edeka

Trade Coventional Food Retail Trade


Edeka, with 11,500 stores and turnover of 47.2 billion euros (2014), is Germany’s biggest retail network. It is now the new distribution partner of the organic company Alnatura.

White House urged to put organic in pollinator policy

Trade Coventional Food Retail Trade


The Organic Trade Association has called on the White House to officially recognize organic farming practices as beneficial to the health of honey bees and other pollinators.

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