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Spain: Increased consumption of organic food

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Organic food is being established in Spain - consumers increasingly show interest in it, Ecoticias reports. Among the products which are sold the best in Spain are organic canned vegetables, butter and pasta, according to a study by the Ministry of Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs (MARM), which also reveals "serious shortcomings" in the organic sector regarding information of consumers / buyers, and therefore consumption, as well as regarding the evolution of market data.

The study, conducted in supermarkets and hypermarkets with areas larger than 100 square meters, states that canned vegetables are one of the categories in which organic products have a great impact (0.68 % by volume and 0.72 % by value). 73 % of the sales refer to cooked vegetables, while per channel, 67 % are concentrated in large supermarkets. Among dairy products, butter is the category where the organic segment reaches high importance (0.44 % in volume and 0.75 % in value). 61 % of sales of pasta are concentrated in hypermarkets, due to the best price. Distribution of these products has increased within the past months.




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