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Italy: Seven Green Awards

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Individuals, companies, local administrations, cultural institutions and entertainment should be recognised for their sustainable efforts. For this reason, the contest Sette Green Awards - Seven Green Awards - were launched from from the Italian magazine Corriere Della Sera. The awards are handed out for a special commitment to the environment in seven categories.

The first edition of this competition honoured Viviverde Coop in the food category. The award was presented at the Triennale in Milan during the exhibition "Madre Natura".

"We are proud of this achievement," says Vladimir Ad elmi, brand manager of Viviverde-Solidal, "and we are aware of being among the most active Italian companies in terms of sustainability. Our percentage of green products is among the highest in the market." In the first nine months of 2011, Viviverde recorded a sales increase of more than 20 %. Viviverde also won an award at SANA 2011 - "SANA Novelties" in the cagegory “other products”.

Coop Ambiente


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