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USA: Support for Prop 37 sees decline

International_EN North America

03.11.2012 Redaktion

USA: Parents want labels on GE food

International_EN North America

28.09.2012 Redaktion

USA: Aurora dairy reaches settlement

International_EN North America

14.09.2012 Redaktion

California on the way to GMO labelling

International_EN North America

06.09.2012 Redaktion
A law addressing the labelling of genetically modified food could soon become reality in California

USA: Locavore Challenge

International_EN North America

02.09.2012 Redaktion

USA: NOFA Summer Conference

International_EN North America

31.07.2012 Redaktion

USA: Farm Aid Music and Food Festival

International_EN North America

23.07.2012 Redaktion

North American Biodynamic Conference

International_EN North America

20.07.2012 Redaktion

USA: Ribus celebrates 20 years

International_EN North America

01.07.2012 Redaktion

USA: Conventional food trade has highest sales of organics

International_EN North America

28.05.2012 Redaktion
The turnover of organic food in the United States amounted to approximately 29 billion US dollars in 2011
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