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IFOAM offers Organic Leadership Course in North America

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The North American Organic Leadership Course from the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) starts in March 2013, and offers up to 25 participants a chance to deepen their knowledge of the organic sector and hone leadership skills that will lead to a more sustainable future.

Konrad Hauptfleisch, IFOAM Academy Manager, will lead the course along with eminent North American leaders who will provide insights into their areas of specialization. The curriculum will offer participants in-depth examination of the organic sector. This opportunity to develop skills could be used for organizational development, professional project management, and forging strategic alliances to strengthen the organic sector as a whole. In particular, the course will cover:

• Understanding the Organic World: Look at the fundamentals of the organic sector in depth.
• Institutional Management: Develop modern, effective leadership skills and strategies that are consistent with the ethics of the organic sector.
• Communication: Learn up-to-date communication skills and strategies to make your work more effective.
• Organic Value Chain: Understand all facets of the organic value chain to drive Organic Agriculture development.

Organic Leadership Course participants attend all residential events, commit at least one day per month to online learning, complete readings, prepare a report and presentations, and develop an action plan for a project they will start after the course concludes. To apply, submit a statement of motivation, a letter of support from the participant‘s employer and the completed application form no later than January 1, 2013. Top applicants will be interviewed via Skype in January 2013. The course begins in March and consists of 10 web-based seminars and two full-time residential sessions. The first residential session is March 20-29, 2013 in Tampa, Florida. Course fees of $4500 cover residential housing and food, online seminars, and course materials. Some funding may be available for participants who show the greatest need and commitment.

The Organic Leadership Conference has promotional support from International Organic Inspectors Association, California Certified Organic Farmers, Organic Trade Association and The Organic Summit.

For more information about IFOAM’s Organic Leadership Course, contact Katherine DiMatteo, 413-624-5569.




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