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California: Prop 37 on the road to victory?

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The Organic Consumer Association (OCA) has sent out their latest newsletter - Organic Bytes. It is mainly dedicated to Prop 37, the California ballot initiative to label genetically engineered foods and ban the routine food industry practice of marketing GMO-tainted foods as "natural". It is likely that Prop 37 is on the road to victory.

The victory for the GMO Right to Know forces in California will have global consequences, dramatically increasing consumer demand for organic and non-GMO foods, and a decreasing market share for genetically engineered foods and crops. But it is not time for overconfidence, since Monsanto, Big Ag, and Biotech are flooding the airwaves in California with US$35 million (close to 27 million euros) worth of ads designed to confuse California voters, OCA reports. The OCA and Organic Consumers Fund have donated more than US$1 million to the California Right to Know Genetically Engineered Food Act and are active in various other initiatives. More information on Prop 37 as well as the possibilities to join the fight for it are available here:




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