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Germany: 4.4 billion euros turnover with "No Genetic Engineering" food

Europe Germany

30.05.2017 Editor

The Verband Lebensmittel ohne Gentechnik (VLOG) – Association of Food without Genetic Engineering – is continuing its upward trajectory. In the first quarter of 2017 turnover grew by 12.5 percent.

Germany: failure of draft bill banning GMOs

Europe Germany

23.05.2017 Editor

The controversial draft bill on banning the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in agriculture has failed. The coalition partners in the federal government – the SPD and the CDU/CSU -  could not reach a consensus. Critics say no law is better than a bad law.

10th Natural & Organic Cosmetics Conference – key topics

Europe Germany

23.05.2017 Editor

The 10th edition of the Natural & Organic Cosmetics Conference in Berlin will focus on the future-oriented strategic direction of natural and organic cosmetics.

The Germans: over 70% buy organics

Europe Germany

05.05.2017 Editor

In a brief press release, BÖLW – the German Association of Organic Food Producers and Traders – commented in April on the results of the Eco-Barometer 2017 of the Federal Ministry for Food and Agriculture.

Bioland and FNAB strengthen cooperation

Europe Germany

27.04.2017 Editor

Bioland and the French organic growers association FNAB are seeking closer collaboration.

Veganfach 2017: the vegan world meets again in Cologne

Europe Germany

24.04.2017 Redaktion

In a press release Koelnmese GmbH has informed the public that many companies have already applied to attend the largest and most international vegan trade fair in Europe.

Gene drive made in Göttingen

Europe Germany

19.04.2017 Editor

Much concern has been expressed about an experiment involving genetically engineered flies and the potential risk of uncontrolled release into the environment.


Germany the world leader in organic and fair

Europe Germany

20.03.2017 Editor

Organic and Fair: nowhere else in the world is this combination as popular as in the German market. 70 percent of fairtrade goods sold in 2016 also carried an organic logo, reports the Transfair association that issues the fairtrade logos in Germany.

Denn’s: increase in turnover of more than 30 percent in 2015

Europe Germany

18.03.2017 Redaktion

At the end of February German retailer denn’s Biomarkt GmbH presented its end-of-year results for 2015. They show that the Dennree subsidiary generated turnover of nearly 305 million euros  with its then total of  217 stores.

Birkenstock: newcomer to natural cosmetics

Europe Germany

10.03.2017 Editor

Birkenstock, the traditional company we associate with healthcare footwear, has ventured into new territory – the manufacture of natural cosmetics – and it presented the Birkenstock Natural Care range at Vivaness.

EU organic law: trialogue continues under the leadership of Malta

Europe Germany

08.03.2017 Editor

After a three-month break, the negotiations on the revision of the EU Eco-Regulation under the Maltese Presidency of the Council continue today. The German Minister of Agriculture, Christian Schmidt, has also contributed to this with his vote but opposite to the decision of the federal states and other European Member States.

naturkosmetik verlag: change of management successfully completed

Europe Germany

03.03.2017 Editor

Since January 1, 2017, Wolf Lüdge assumed the management of the publishing company naturkosmetik verlag from Elfriede Dambacher. Lüdge will coordinate and carry out the international Natural & Organic Cosmetics Conference in Berlin this September.

Congress: Global Peasants Rights

Europe Germany

02.03.2017 Editor

The German “Haus der Bauern” foundation will organise an international congress on the issue of “peasants’ rights” from 7-10 March 2017.

Germany's best organic shops have been chosen

Europe Germany

01.03.2017 Editor

At BioFach international trade fair this year's winners of the award "Best Organic Shop" were announce. They were  selected by the readers of the magazine Schrot&Korn, that is available in more than 2,000 organic shops and organic supermarkets in Germany.

Germany: The Good Food sells waste food only

Europe Germany

28.02.2017 Editor

"The Good Food" offers waste food in two shops and on the market in Cologne. These are the first shops in Germany that sell only products that would otherwise have been destroyed as waste.

BioFach review: exhibition halls full – exhibitors delighted

Europe Germany


Again a  record number of visitors and a sharp increase in the number of exhibitors. NürnbergMesse, represented by Petra Wolf and Danila Brunner, was absolutely delighted with the four days of  BioFach and Vivaness. Danila Brunner said that in order to provide even better facilities for exhibitors and visitors Halls 4A and 8 as well will be made available next year. On the last day of the fair you could also hear the positive views of many exhibitors expressing positive opinions about the trade fair.

Metropolitan region of Nuremberg is fairtrade region now

Europe Germany

23.02.2017 Editor

A merger of 23 counties and eleven municipalities in the metropolitan region of Nuremberg has won the title "fairtrade region". The area has been awarded at a side event of BioFach. 

Naturland is growing both in Germany and abroad

Europe Germany

22.02.2017 Editor

For the second year running, the German based international working organic association Naturland has been able to record significant increases both in the number of its member farms and in the area cultivated.

German BioCompany grew more than 8%

Europe Germany

21.02.2017 Editor

In 2016 BioCompany increased compared to the previous year by 9 million euros (8.2%) to 145 million euros. The other companies of the BioCompany Group, Havelland Bio and Midgard Naturkost, had a revenue of around five million euros.

BioFach and Vivaness: Over 50,000 visitors!

Europe Germany

20.02.2017 Editor

The 50,000 mark has been cracked for the first time. This was announced by NürnbergMesse at the end of the four-day meeting of the international organic industry BioFach and VIvaness. The trade visitors came from 134 countries.

Germany: Minister presented future strategy of organic farming

Europe Germany

17.02.2017 Editor

The future strategy of organic farming (ZÖL) by the Minister of Agriculture, Christian Schmidt, was presented at BioFach. On nearly 100 pages goals and measures are outlined to push the organic sector in Germany.

Germany: dennree group's 10% growth

Europe Germany

15.02.2017 Editor

The dennree group has reported that in 2016 its consolidated net turnover came to 920 million euros -  a gain of 100 million euros, which equates to ca. 10% compared with the year before.

Germany: big rise in the number of farms and the area of organic land

Europe Germany

14.02.2017 Editor

The number of organic farms rose 2,119 to a total of 26,855. The area of organically managed land also increased significantly - by 96,000 to 1,185,471 hectares.

Germany: nearly 10% growth in organic turnover

Europe Germany

13.02.2017 Editor

The turnover of organic food grew strongly in Germany in 2016. This was reported by the Bund Ökologische Lebensmittelwirtschaft (BÖLW) and the Arbeitskreis Biomarkt  prior to the launch of BioFach.

Biofach 2017: Building an Organic Future

Europe Germany


Germany is Country of the Year at BioFach 2017. Under the motto “Building an Organic Future” the Ministry of Agriculture is going to present, among other things, its Future Strategy for Organic Farming and the host country will introduce “Organic as a knowledge-based and values-based economic system” to the anticipated 48,000 visitors from all over the world. Over 2,700 exhibitors and a comprehensive Congress programme will once again be the platform to present everything that's new and innovative, concepts and ideas, and figures and analysis around both the international organic sector and the organic movement. So that you can prepare, here's our report with some ideas.

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