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German BioCompany grew more than 8%

by Editor (comments: 0)

One of the outlets of 50 BioCompany shops

Picture: One of the outlets of 50 BioCompany shops

In 2016 the Berlin headquartered organic supermarket chain BioCompany increased compared to the previous year by 9 million euros (8.2%) to 145 million euros. The other companies of the BioCompany Group, Havelland Bio (organic meat manufacturer) and Midgard Naturkost (organic wholesaler), had a revenue of around five million euros. Altogether, the organic retailer currently runs 50 stores, 45 of them in Berlin and Brandenburg, the rest in Hamburg.

The 50th store that opened in October in Berlin-Mitte, was the first plastic bag free store. Also muesli, cereals, rice and pasta can be packaged by the customer from containers. For 2017 the company announced to open five more outlets, four of them in the capital and one in Hamburg.

BioCompany is also engaged in animal welfare activities. "As an organic specialist, we can assume a pioneering role here", says Managing Director Georg Kaiser, who wants to expand his commitment. A cooperation with the non-profit organic livestock breeding company (ÖTZ), which is to be supported by at least € 20,000, is planned for this year.




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