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Germany: The Good Food sells waste food only

by Editor (comments: 0)

"The Good Food" offers waste food in two shops and on the market in Cologne. These are the first shops in Germany that sell only products that would otherwise have been destroyed as waste.

Nicole Klaski decided to start this kind of shop after she realized that every year one third of the food produced worldwide is wasted. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the united Nations (FAO) almost 900 million people get fed if there could be saved only a quarter of the wasted food.

The Good Food offers a rather full assortment of products from bread to vegetables. All products do not have fixed prices but clients can decide how much they want ot pay for a certain product. Meanwhile the team counts 10 people and more and more partner to cooperate with – from the bakery in the neighborhood to organic firms and organic farmers nearby.

Customers are pleased to support the concept and buy there food there.


Consumer Behaviour


Food Quality

Specialised Food Retail Trade

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