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USA: organic recent research shows health and environmental benefits

Other issues Agriculture

13.03.2017 Editor

The year 2016 yielded an impressive number of research projects of interest to the organic community, with studies coming out highlighting the environmental and health benefits of organic. 

Austria: 30 percent organic by 2025

Other issues Agriculture

10.03.2017 Editor

Austria is continuing to play a pioneer role in Europe in terms of organic. The new target is organic management of 30% of its agricultural land by 2025.

EU CAP: organisations call for a radical reform

Other issues Agriculture

07.03.2017 Editor

Over 150 European civil society organisations from 25 EU countries have called on EU leaders to carry out a radical reform of the CAP (Common Agricultural Policy) and related policies.

Naturland includes irrigation in its guidelines

Other issues Agriculture

06.03.2017 Editor

Naturland has incorporated standards for the sustainable use of water for irrigation in its guidelines for producers. The specific guideline imposes specials requirements on farms that irrigate in dry areas.

Approving eco plant protection products to become simpler

Other issues Agriculture

06.03.2017 Editor

The EU Parliament intends to speed up the authorisation procedures for bio pesticides. The portal reports that the members of parliament are calling on the EU Commission to make the corresponding changes to the law.

Congress: Global Peasants Rights

Other issues Agriculture

02.03.2017 Editor

The German “Haus der Bauern” foundation will organise an international congress on the issue of “peasants’ rights” from 7-10 March 2017.

Europe: number of farmers converting to organic is growing significantly

Other issues Agriculture

18.02.2017 Editor

The numbers of organic processors and importers in Europe show a double-digit growth in 2015. That was announced at the Biofach in Nuremberg.


Organic farming in Bulgaria

Other issues Agriculture

17.02.2017 Editor

Organic farming in Bulgaria has excellent production subsidies together with a favorable governmental policy and is driven by export demand in the EU market.

Organic worldwide 50.9 million hectares and market exceeds 80 billion US Dollars

Other issues Agriculture


The positive trend seen in the past years continues: Consumer demand is increasing, reflected in the significant market growth. More farmers cultivate organically, more land is certified organic, and 179 countries report organic farming activities, as shown in the 2017 edition of the study “The World of Organic Agriculture” (data per end of 2015). The statistical yearbook is published by FiBL and IFOAM – Organics International and launched at BioFach on Wednesday, February 15, 2017, from 4.00 to 4.45 pm in Hall Shanghai, NCC East. A summary with many graphics you can find here.

Germany: big rise in the number of farms and the area of organic land

Other issues Agriculture

14.02.2017 Editor

The number of organic farms rose 2,119 to a total of 26,855. The area of organically managed land also increased significantly - by 96,000 to 1,185,471 hectares.

USA: animal welfare rule for the organic sector released

Other issues Agriculture

06.02.2017 Editor

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) on January 19 published the final rule on animal welfare standards for organic livestock and poultry in the Federal Register.

Trump´s Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue

Other issues Agriculture

02.02.2017 Editor

US-President Donald Trump has nominated the former Georgia Republican Governor Sonny Perdue for Agriculture Secretary. Stakeholders of the organic industry gave their statement.

Demo „We've had enough of agro-industry“ – 9 demands for a change

Other issues Agriculture


Election year and Green Week: time to talk about the future of agriculture and to demonstrate for a change of direction in agriculture. The seventh “We've had enough” demo in Berlin was an opportunity to do just that – 18,000 people went onto the streets. The motley crowd marched through the government district in Berlin, but the events before and after the demo too were also a platform for targeting the demands of the organic industry, animal welfare organisations, environmentalists and critics of capitalism etc. at politicians (Video).

France: boost to growth of the organic industry

Other issues Agriculture

24.01.2017 Kai Kreuzer

Organics are booming in France: the semi-state Agence Bio is anticipating growth in turnover of an amazing 20% for 2016. Statistically, 21 farms in France convert to organic every day. At the end of June 2016 France had 31,880 organic farmers. The area of organic land rose in consequence to over 1.5 million hectares, which equates to approximately 6% of all agricultural land.

We are fed up with the agricultural industry!

Other issues Agriculture

24.01.2017 Editor

Under the motto "We are fed up with the agricultural industry!" 18,000 farmers and citizens demand a change in agricultural and nutrition policy. The alliance calls for a 9-point plan for animal, environment and climate change in agriculture.

Genetically modified rape: deadline for elimination extended

Other issues Agriculture

10.01.2017 Editor

The EU Commission decided at the end of 2016 to extend the deadline for the elimination of various types of GM rape to 31.12.2019, because Bayer CropSciences is having problems in removing the contamination in food products.

Spain: two million hectares of organic land are not enough

Other issues Agriculture


Greenpeace Spain congratulates all the players in the organic movement. They would have made the dynamic growth of the ecologically managed agricultural area possible, making it possible for the consumer to buy healthy and environmentally friendly food. With an increase of 18.4 per cent compared to 2014, some two million hectares are now biologically cultivated - Spain has thus reached a new record. But this is not enough yet looking at the challenges of climate change, soil loss and rural exodus, explains the Greenpeace Spain.

SOLMACC: Climate-friendly practices applied

Other issues Agriculture

26.12.2016 Editor

The SOLMACC project has been successful in 2016. The 12 farmers in Sweden, Germany and Italy continue to implement the climate-friendly practices on their farms.

BioBoden Cooperative looks for shareholders

Other issues Agriculture

23.12.2016 Editor

The cost of leasing and buying land is rising hugely in many countries. All over the world, agricultural corporations, investors and whole states are buying up land. Agricultural land is also being lost to the subsidised growing of energy plants.

Czech Republic: over 1 million Euro to promote organic products

Other issues Agriculture

16.12.2016 Editor

The Czech Ministry of Agriculture is preparing a campaign for the promotion of organic food which aims to boost sales. The state will invest 30 million crowns (about 1.11 million Euro) in the initiative.

Soil is not recognized as a common good

Other issues Agriculture

07.12.2016 Editor

Around 430 organisations joined together to ask Europe to give a right to soil with #People4Soil petition, the first 25.000 signatures have been done - 1 million are needed.

Kenya: organic farming is productive and resource-conserving

Other issues Agriculture

06.12.2016 Editor

A long-term study in Kenya shows that maize yields and nutrient uptake in the organic farming systems are quite similar to conventional systems. Due to premium prices, organic systems are more profitable for farmers than conventional ones. The study was carried out by the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) in close cooperation with partners in Kenya.


EU: Genetically engineered maize - risks not under control

Other issues Agriculture

28.11.2016 Editor

The EU Commission wants to allow the cultivation of three variant of genetically engineered maize for 2017. EU Member States are expected to vote on this issue on 9 December.

Saving soils and climate: "4 per 1000" Initiative

Other issues Agriculture

25.11.2016 Editor

The “4 per 1000 Initiative: Soils for Food Security and Climate” aims to demonstrate that agriculture, and agricultural soils in particular, can play a crucial role where food security and climate change are concerned.

COP22: Manifesto for a Bio Morocco and for the Support for a Bio Africa

Other issues Agriculture

24.11.2016 Editor

IFOAM President Andre Leu was speaker at the COP22 Green Zone debate by the federation of Moroccan organic agriculture professionals (FIMABIO) in Marrakech.

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