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Genetically modified rape: deadline for elimination extended

by Editor (comments: 0)

The EU Commission decided at the end of 2016 to extend the deadline for the elimination of various types of GM rape to 31.12.2019, because Bayer CropSciences is having problems in removing the contamination in food products.

As TestBioTech reports with reference to the EU Commission's document, the GM rape lines in question are Ms1 × Rf1, Ms1 × Rf2 and Topas 19 that, after their authorisation, were taken off the market in 2007. Bayer CropSciences was not able to adhere to the planned transition period up to the end of 2012, and traces of the GM varieties can still be detected in rape products.

The Commission regards the reason for this is the fact that rape can persist in the soil and still be capable of germination and, when the soil is worked, it is spread, germinates and once agains enters the food chain. This scenario was feared by critics of GM who for years have been pointing to the possibility of outcrossing and remaining in the soil. The Commission has extended the time limit for another three years.



Genetic Engineering


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