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We are fed up with the agricultural industry!

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we are fed up demo

Under the motto "We are fed up with the agricultural industry!", 18,000 farmers and citizens demand a change in agricultural and nutrition policy.
Together with 130 tractors from farms all over Germany the 18,000 people walking members from an alliance of around 100 NGOs as well as consumers of all generations call for a 9-point plan for animal, environment and climate change in agriculture.
Parallel to the Green Week, on Saturday  21.1.2017 the people gave their statement to the politicians in the Berlin government district. Led by 130 tractors, the protesters expressed their protest against the industrialization of agriculture under the motto "Agri corporations, keep your fingers away from our food!".

In the morning, conventionally and ecologically active farmers had handed over nine demands for the Bundestag election at the Federal Ministry of Agriculture. The tenor of the 9-point plan: The serious crises in agriculture does not require unintended speeches but determined action.





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