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Organic Valley reached $1 billion in sales for 2015

Trade Trade

02.02.2016 Editor

Organic Valley’s family of businesses have reached $1 billion in sales for 2015. The cooperative increased sales from $972 million in 2014.

BIIO: Platform for marketing Indian organic products

Trade Trade


The Indian organic market and in particular production have developed rapidly in recent years. For the seventh time, BioFach India together with India Organic (BIIO) brought producers and traders together. With video.

Carrefour’s 2015 organic sales have a 3% growth

Trade Trade

29.01.2016 Editor

Last full-year sales Carrefour generated 86.3 billion Euros and +3.0% on an organic basis.

Giant food corporations are controlling US-food supply

Trade Trade

23.01.2016 Editor

The giant multibillion dollar agribusinesses are destroying the local and organic farms in America and replacing a huge portion of our food supply with factory farms that are based outside this country.


The Organic Changer: BioFach guerrilla activity

Trade Trade

21.01.2016 Editor

At a weekly market... consumers have exchanged their conventional fruit and vegetables for organic varieties. BioFach has used a guerrilla activity to draw attention to the need to switch to organic food.

The value of overall ethical sales grew up to £38 billion in the UK

Trade Trade

19.01.2016 Editor

The value of overall ethical sales grew by 8 per cent up to £38 billion, during a period when inflation barely rose above 0.5 per cent, according to the new Ethical Consumer markets report.

Improvements in the organic food world for 2015

Trade Trade

12.01.2016 Editor

2015 was a big year for the U.S. organic sector, explains Natural Products Insider.

European supermarkets increase the offer of organic products

Trade Trade

12.01.2016 Editor

Organic, responsible and sustainable products have come a great way during the past year. More supermarkets around the world has embraced organic culture and added sustainable products to their shelves.

Review of the Year 2015: Events, Developments, Trends and Numbers

Trade Trade


It’s been a good year for the organic industry: the turnover of manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers in Germany, on the European and international markets has grown continually. The area of organically farmed land and the number of organic farms have increased slightly in this Year of the Soil. Look back with us over the organic year in our review! 

Natexpo Trade Fair Paris: “The networked store is coming”

Trade Trade

17.11.2015 Kai Kreuzer

Future trends and the specialist wholefood trade in 2025 were the focus of this year’s Natexpo, that was held from 18 – 20 October in the Parc des Expositions not far from Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris.

Alnatura cooperating with Edeka

Trade Trade


Edeka, with 11,500 stores and turnover of 47.2 billion euros (2014), is Germany’s biggest retail network. It is now the new distribution partner of the organic company Alnatura.

Sustainable Foods Summit Highlighted Key Industry Concerns

Trade Trade

18.09.2015 Editor

The food industry needs to take greater steps towards sustainable development. This was one of the key messages from the Sustainable Foods Summit Europe. Soil fertility, carbon management, regulatory framework, and sustainable food production were stated as major areas of concern.

Nicaraguas core eco initiative fights greenwashing

Trade Trade


Organic farming has slowly become established in Nicaragua. But the work of eco initiatives like Finca La Esperanzita and Sano y Salvo is being jeopardized by the increasing activities of so-called sustainability initiatives. Nicaragua’s core eco initiative Finca La Esperanzita is opposing this development.


Supporting projects in developing and emerging countries

Trade Trade

12.08.2015 Kai Kreuzer

Launching a project abroad is often no easy undertaking. Facing this challenge are mainly companies that want to start, for example, a cropping and processing project in countries outside Europe.

Organic market in France grows by 10 %

Trade Trade

29.07.2015 Kai Kreuzer

There is strong demand for organic food in France and the market is continually growing. In 2014, turnover grew by 10 % compared with 2013 and amounted to five billion euros (Germany 7.8 billion euros). Per capita expenditure in France was 75 euros and the equivalent figure in Germany was 95 euros.

Organic retailer successful with social media

Trade Trade

29.06.2015 Redaktion

Retailers are often thinking if they should enter the market via social media. Answers to many questions were given in the Social Workshop at the Internet Retailer Conference & Exhibition in Chicago beginning June.

Crowdfunding: money via the internet

Trade Trade


According to a current study by Ernst & Young and the Center for Alternative Finance at the University of Cambridge, crowdfunding and other alternative methods of financing are booming in Europe.

US organics at Seoul Hotel and Food trade show

Trade Trade


Participating for the first time in the Seoul Hotel and Food trade show, the Organic Trade Association (OTA) showcased five American organic companies at its all-organic pavilion in Korea.

Organic supermarkets in Belgium: Biocap has three stores

Trade Trade

05.05.2015 Kai Kreuzer

The specialist wholefood trade in Belgium lags behind countries like Germany and France. Large-scale specialist organic stores (over 200 m²) and organic supermarkets (over 400 m²) are far from being the standard in organic marketing. Three of the nearly two dozen Belgian organic supermarkets operate under the title Biocap.

Correction: Malta - the EU organic Achilles heel

Trade Trade

15.04.2015 Redaktion

With regard to our article "Malta - the EU organic Achilles heel" that we published on on 1 April, we as and the author of the article Mr. Leo Fruehschuetz want to correct some facts and apologize to Mr Aart Jan Jonker for the comments referring to his name. Mr. Jonker and the group Biodiet/Pure Life have sent us their remarks that we publish here.

Organics Brazil is a success story

Trade Trade


The Brazilian program OrganicsBrasil is designed to promote Brazilian organic and sustainable producers worldwide. It is mantained by Apex-Brasil the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency, an executive department of Brazilian Ministry of Trade and Industry.

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