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Improvements in the organic food world for 2015

by Editor (comments: 1)

2015 was a big year for the U.S. organic sector, explains Natural Products Insider. Organic demand flourished. Organic products of all types sprouted up everywhere, at local supermarkets, online, even in fast-food restaurant. Major organic policies, including the drive for an unprecedented organic research and promotion check-off, advanced. American organic grabbed a bigger spotlight on the world stage, and new research continued to prove the far-reaching benefits of organic.

"Organic reached many milestones in 2015. We saw real breakthroughs in organic being recognized as a healthy option for consumers, a greener option for agriculture and our environment, and a serious option to help meet global food needs," said Organic Trade Association (OTA) Executive Director and CEO Laura Batcha. "Organic is leading the way to a healthier food and agricultural system, and OTA looks forward to helping organic advance even more next year."

The 10 most important developments in the organic world in 2015 was the organic sales boom, the organic industry moving forward on a trailblazing organic check-off, organic standards were also tightened and improved, new federal food and agricultural policies took note of organic, organic was shown to be bee-friendly, and the White House pain attention; benchmark studies yielded key insights into global organic trade; organic profitability increased; consumers of all types and in all parts of the country chose organic, American organic had a bigger presence on the international stage; research revealed the environmental and human health benefits of organic.


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Comment by Flavia |

Interesting article. Would have been more informative if included links to the further literature referring to the mentioned developments.
