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Germany: Significant increase in size of organic supermarkets in 2010

Trade Miscellaneous

02.09.2010 Redaktion
In the first half of 2010, 28 new organic supermarkets opened or increased their retail area

Innatex raises profile with stricter criteria

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26.08.2010 Redaktion
International natural textile trade fair Innatex with higher acceptance criteria 

Reflections on BioFach and the Chinese organic sector

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16.08.2010 Redaktion
Reflections on the organic sector in China

Vandana Shiva on biodiversity

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04.08.2010 Redaktion
Around 1,000 people gathered at the premises of Alb-Gold in Germany to listen to Dr. Vandana Shiva.

Sustainable Cosmetics Summit brings together thought leaders

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14.07.2010 Redaktion
Some of the thought leaders in sustainability will be discussing practical initiatives for the beauty industry

Poland delighted with continuing growth

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28.06.2010 Redaktion
Precise data on the size of the organic market in Poland do not exist

Sustainable Foods Summit 2010

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22.06.2010 Redaktion
The Sustainable Foods Summit attracted speakers and participants from all over the world.

Germany: Growth Market Bistros/Food-to-go

Trade Miscellaneous

18.06.2010 Redaktion
A seminar was held aimed at producers of organic products who also supply or would like to supply gastronomy.

International conference proves combination of organic and fair trade has great potential

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25.05.2010 Redaktion
The rapid revision of international agrarian policy is imperative

Ecology Izmir 2010: successful launch

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20.05.2010 Redaktion
Between 6th and 9th of May, 7294 visitors from 19 countries attended Ecology Izmir 2010

Organic companies taking sustainability route

Trade Miscellaneous

11.05.2010 Redaktion
Positive growth of the organic sector is continuing at the global level.

Sustainable Cosmetics Summit Calls for More Authenticity

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23.04.2010 Redaktion

The resounding message from the New York edition of the Sustainable Cosmetics Summit was to provide greater authenticity.

GfK: specialist trade benefits from stable consumer groups

Trade Miscellaneous

23.03.2010 Redaktion
GfK, the consumer research organization, presented current data on the organic industry

Third IFOAM symposium before BioFach

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11.03.2010 Redaktion
About 60 IFOAM members travelled from all over the world to attend the symposium

Melvita focuses on worldwide expansion

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29.01.2010 Redaktion
What Melvita has achieved in 25 years in France is now to be rolled out across the globe

Zotter opens flagship store in Essen

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15.01.2010 Redaktion
The Austrian chocolate manufacturer opened its first specialist store in Essen

IFOAM EU Conference: Signal for Copenhagen

Trade Miscellaneous

08.12.2009 Redaktion
The IFOAM EU Group Conference in Brussels was attended by around 200 people from 33 countries

Organic supermarkets in Athens: an investment in the future

Trade Miscellaneous

04.12.2009 Redaktion
In the Athens region there are now a dozen organic supermarkets serving about 4 million inhabitants

Ecofestival: Organic Fair in Athens a Success

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20.11.2009 Redaktion
The organisers and exhibitors are very happy

Stockholm: an organic supermarket at last!

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17.11.2009 Redaktion
Tradition has it that organic products are marketed in Sweden via the conventional retail trade

Anuga 2009: demand for organics continues to grow

Trade Miscellaneous

13.11.2009 Redaktion
6,522 companies from 97 countries took part in Anuga 2009

Natexpo 2009: Strong German presence

Trade Miscellaneous

10.11.2009 Redaktion
The trade fair Natexpo took place from 17 – 19 October in the north of Paris

IFOAM Conference on Organic Animal and Plant Breeding

Trade Miscellaneous

06.11.2009 Redaktion
The international Conference on Organic Animal and Plant Breeding was held at the end of August 2009

Rising sales figures for organics in Italy

Trade Miscellaneous

23.10.2009 Redaktion
The Italian organic market may be currently estimated to be worth between 2.8 and 3 billion euros

Natural cosmetics conference: information and networking in pleasant atmosphere

Trade Miscellaneous

02.10.2009 Redaktion
The second natural cosmetics conference was held in Nuremberg on 22 and 23 September 2009
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