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Monsanto Tribunal: Vandana Shiva calls for action

Politics Politics

22.09.2016 Editor

From 14 to 16 October 2016 the Monsanto Tribunal will be held in the Hague. In a video, the environmental activist Dr. Vandana Shiva appeals to people all over the world to get involved, and she explains the background to her call for action.

EU Commission no longer recognises organic salmon from Norway

Politics Politics

22.09.2016 Leo Frühschütz

From 1 January 2015 organic salmon from Norway has no longer been organic. That's the opinion of the EU Commission.  What the consequences are is not the least bit clear. The only thing that is clear is the fact the production conditions of Norwegian organic salmon farmers have not changed. What's going on here is to do with the legal situation– and diplomacy in agriculture.

Cork 2.0 declaration: Strong political commitment on public goods payments needed to turn words into reality

Politics Politics

10.09.2016 Editor

On the 7th september, the Declaration oh the future EU Rural Development was proposed at the Cork Conference on Rural Development.

US Aquaculture Standards still in Progress

Politics Politics

08.09.2016 Redaktion

One year ago, the US Agriculture Department introduced a plan for organic aquaculture standards. Now the White House Office of Management and Budget has calculated that it will presumably take double time to pass the standard.

Venezuela’s Seed Law at Risk

Politics Politics

07.09.2016 Redaktion

Last year, the government of Venezuela passed the so called Seed Law, which intended to impose one of the worlds toughest regulations on GMO seeds.

“Agro-Resistance” in Palestine

Politics Politics

02.09.2016 Redaktion

For years, Israel has been trying to drive Palestinian farmers off their land by restricting agriculture. “Canaan Fair Trade”  is a farming project, that wants to support local small-hold farmers by helping to grow resistant organic crops, buying products to above market prices and finding markets for the produce.

Dairy Farmers Adapt to EU's Changing Conditions

Politics Politics

01.09.2016 Redaktion

As the European Union ended its quota system in April 2015, the dairy sector was hit particularly hard.

Will UK comply with Demand for Organic Food?

Politics Politics

24.08.2016 Redaktion

The UK is the world’s fourth-biggest organic market after the US. While sales of non-organic food and drinks fell by 1 percent last year the organic market grew at 4.9 percent.

Monsanto in court

Politics Politics


Tribunals are set up to deal with serious crimes, to indict people guilty of crimes against humanity and to punish them. In the middle of October the Monsanto Tribunal will be held in The Hague. For three days, this symbolic citizens' court will hear plaintiffs from all over the world present a summary of the offences committed by Monsanto. The aim is to get the criminal offence of ecocide recognised in international law.Taking place in parallel, the People´s Assembly will work on devising strategies and concepts for conserving resources and ensuring a viable future.

National Strategies to Reduce Food Waste

Politics Politics

23.08.2016 Redaktion

The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) calculated that global food waste would be the world’s third-largest greenhouse gas emitter if it were treated as a country.

Monsanto Tribunal & People’s Assembly

Politics Politics

11.08.2016 Editor

Together, the IFOAM Organics International, Navdanya, Organic Consumers Association, Biovision and many more are organizing The People’s Assembly as well as The Monsanto Tribunal, 14 -16 October 2016 in The Hague, Netherlands.

Coup in Turkey: impact on the organic industry

Politics Politics

09.08.2016 Editor

Turkey is an important supplier of organic products. Many west European organic companies maintain close business relations with Turkey. The attempted coup and its consequences could therefore have far-reaching implications for the organic sector. Manufacturers and the trade should ensure that they are well prepared.

Video of the organic project Narköy.

Monsanto Tribunal: Vadana Shiva´s Call to Action

Politics Politics

01.08.2016 Editor

The Monsanto Tribunal is an international civil society initiative to hold Monsanto accountable for human rights violations, for crimes against humanity, and for ecocide. Dr. Vandana Shiva calls to action and explains the background.

European Commission registers 'People4Soil'

Politics Politics

29.07.2016 Editor

The European Commission has today taken the decision to register 'People4Soil' European Citizens' Initiative which aims to "recognise soil as a shared heritage that needs EU level protection and develop a dedicated legally binding framework covering the main soil threats."

USA: organic farmers criticise corporation-dominated organic umbrella organization

Politics Politics

21.07.2016 Editor

The Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association (OSGATA) has withdrawn from the Organic Trade Association (OTA) and severly criticised the position it adopted in the dispute about GMO labelling in the USA.

People4Soil expected to launch this September

Politics Politics

18.07.2016 Editor

"It's time to save the soils of Europe" says the citizens' initiative People4Soil that is expected to be launched this September. More than 300 organisations ask EU a common legal framework to counteract land take, soil degradation and contamination.

EU: CAP not delivering the public goods promised

Politics Politics

18.07.2016 Editor

The reformed CAP for 2014-2020 lacks clear tools to guide and direct investments towards sustainable agriculture, the majority of tools available are limited to supporting individual farm practices and they do not promote a comprehensive transition towards sustainable agriculture.

The True Costs of Food Campaign started in Europe

Politics Politics

12.07.2016 Editor

Organic specialist Eosta and Nature & More has entered collaboration with a large number of customers to make the true costs of regular fruit and vegetables visible for European consumers.

Brexit – What's next?

Politics Politics

12.07.2016 Editor

The British voted by a  small majority to exit the European Union. That has consequences for the wider economy and for the EU. The wholefood industry has so far shown itself to be not particularly worried. Can that be right? After the British decision to leave the EU companies in other industries set up crisis management teams or at least working groups to assess the impact, but in the  wholefood sector most firms are operating the principle of 'business as usual'. In fact, there are many questions to be addressed, and they affect the organic sector too.

Organic regulation negotiations, is the end near?

Politics Politics

06.07.2016 Editor

Last Friday the Slovak Republic took over the Presidency of the Council of the EU from the Netherlands, and is now the sixth Presidency in a row to work on the organic dossier.

Spanish government does not respond to the risk of massive transgenic contamination

Politics Politics

05.07.2016 Editor

The appearance of teosinte is having serious consequences for agriculture. The situation could worsen if it crosses with genetically modified maize.

2.6 million dead bees make stinging point about pesticides

Politics Politics

04.07.2016 Editor

A truck loaded with 2.6 million dead bees made its final stop earlier this month on the 22nd of June at the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in downtown Washington, said First Post.

Glyphosate Update: Final EU Commission decision

Politics Politics

30.06.2016 Editor

The Commission adopted the extension of the current approval of glyphosate for a limited period until the European Chemical Agency (ECHA) has concluded its review and gave recommendations on the use of glyphosate.

Brexit: IFOAM EU emphasises organic European union

Politics Politics

30.06.2016 Editor

Brexit is reality since last week. asked IFOAM EU for a statement.

Glyphosate is to receive 18 months extension

Politics Politics

29.06.2016 Editor

As the European Commissioner, Vytenis Andriukaitis announced on Tuesday at a meeting of EU agriculture ministers in Luxembourg the Commission will extend the European approval for the controversial weedkiller glyphosate to 18 months.

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