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Will UK comply with Demand for Organic Food?

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The UK is the world’s fourth-biggest organic market after the US. While sales of non-organic food and drinks fell by 1 percent last year the organic market grew at 4.9 percent.

According to Raconteur, one of the main worries for the sector is being able to meet increased demand. “We are fast reaching the point where demand for organic food could exceed supply, leading to increased imports,” says Liz Bowles, head of farming at the Soil Association. “For the last three years, organic food sales have been rising steadily, but the amount of land under organic production has not risen in line with the increase in demand.”

The future is uncertain as the entire farming support regime is uncertain following the Brexit: UK farmers receive alone from the EU about £2.5 billion to £3 billion in subsidies. The UK government announced to match the funding until 2020.


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