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Switzerland and China: collaboration agreement signed

Know How Research

27.05.2017 Editor

Recently, the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) and the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology (IGDB) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences established the new Sino-Swiss Organic Agriculture Research Center (SSOARC) in China. With this new institute, FiBL and IGDB will provide a wide range of services in the field of knowledge transfer and research.

USA: organic recent research shows health and environmental benefits

Know How Research

13.03.2017 Editor

The year 2016 yielded an impressive number of research projects of interest to the organic community, with studies coming out highlighting the environmental and health benefits of organic. 

Eosta CEO: “Not profit at any price!”

Know How Research

03.03.2017 Editor

A recent pilot study on the true cost of food underlines that a conventional economic system does not pay in the long term, as it destroys the natural resources that we need to live. Volkert Engelsman, CEO of Eosta, has called upon the major food companies to question the economic system, with its pursuit of short-term profits, and finally adopt a sustainable approach.

US organic tea & coffee market with double digit growth

Know How Research

01.03.2017 Editor

According to a TechSci Research report, "United States Organic Tea & Coffee Market the market of organic tea & coffee in the United States is projected to grow at a CAGR of over 13% during 2017-2022.

IFOAM events at BioFach

Know How Research

06.02.2017 Editor

Traditionally IFOAM EU Group is organizing a EU Policy Day at BioFach. There will also be the TP Organics´Science Day and other events by IFOAM.

USA: GROorganic Check-off program

Know How Research

31.01.2017 Editor

GRO Organic Check-off is a proposal for a nationwide research and promotion program for the organic sector. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is seeking public comments.

OFRF Receives FSA Grant to Help Organic Farmers

Know How Research

19.01.2017 Editor

The Organic Farming Research Foundation (OFRF) has been chosen to receive a competitive grant from USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) designed to facilitate the increased use of the agency's programs and services among organic farmers.

Swiss scientist: “We need to reduce the need for antibiotics“

Know How Research

16.01.2017 Editor

“We need to reduce the need for antibiotics in order to reduce their use”, that was one of the statements of Thomas Van Boeckel, author of frequently cited research on antimicrobial consumption in food animals.

FiBL Switzerland: 20 years of organic research

Know How Research

13.01.2017 Editor

Twenty years ago, sixty scientists and consultants belonging to the Research Institute of Organic Farming (FiBL) moved into the former School of Agriculture in Frick. Today FiBL and the control company bio.inspecta AG employ 300 people and there is to be further expansion of the facilities in Frick.

Organic Monitor: predictions for sustainable foods in 2017

Know How Research

12.01.2017 Editor

The London based market researcher Organic Monitor is giving its predictions how the sustainable foods sector will develop in 2017 by categories like organic food, eco-labels, sustainable sourcing, traceability etc.

Study shows major molecular differences between GMO and non-GMO corn

Know How Research

09.01.2017 Editor

A unique new study published in the scientific journal Nature has used molecular profiles to reveal major differences in composition between a GMO corn and its non-GMO parent.

Animal experiments: one million GMO animals used in Germany in 2016

Know How Research

05.01.2017 Editor

According to the official statistics published for 2015 more than 1.1 million genetically engineered animals has been used in Germany. Testbiotech demands political initiatives to stop this growing trend in animal suffering.

Buying natural cosmetics: online or in stores?

Know How Research


It's ages since natural cosmetics were available only in wholefood stores. And demand that has been rapidly rising for years has meant that natural cosmetics brands have now been listed by other outlets than drugstores and conventional food retailers.  Above all, the online trade has created a lot of space on its virtual shelves for natural cosmetics. Biopinio – mobile market research for the organic sector – has investigated and asked over 1,200 bio-savvy customers about their purchasing habits. The trend: it's not only digital natives who are keen users of the internet – not least as a source of information as well. The  biopinio study examines interesting issues around target groups, purchasing channels and people's need for information and advice.

Netherlands: consortium on personalised nutrition and health

Know How Research

30.11.2016 Editor

Wageningen University & Research and TNO, is researching the technology and knowledge needed to make personalised nutritional and health advice possible on a large scale.

Agriculture research to prevail harming organic dung

Know How Research

26.10.2016 Editor

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), announced end of September, that they would give a $2 million grant to university research teams and U.S. agricultural departments.

Consumers’ misconceptions affect sales of organic fish

Know How Research

10.10.2016 Editor

Although the market for organic food has grown in the EU over the last few years, organic sea food remains a small business in Europe even at times when the organic sector is in permanent expansion.

IFOAM EU launched web-based plattform for farmers

Know How Research

05.10.2016 Editor

The new web-based platform OK-Net Arable is launched to fill the gap in the exchange of information between farmers across Europe and promote exchange of knowledge among farmers, farm advisers and scientists.


Seeing Potential in Seaweed

Know How Research

06.09.2016 Redaktion

The Milltown Company is now searching to eradicate synthetics and chemicals out of aqua and agri feed and replace them with natural sustainable organic feed ingredients, such as macroalgae or seaweeds.

Germany Organic Food Market Competition Forecast

Know How Research

25.08.2016 Redaktion

As Germany is the largest European economy, its organic food market is being driven by high income, increasing health consciousness and growing organic farming.

Call for Organic Innovations

Know How Research

22.08.2016 Redaktion

Because innovation is crucial for the development of the organic sector, TP Organics invites farmers, researchers and companies to propose innovative solutions to problems of organic farming.

Tp Organics: call for organic innovations

Know How Research

10.08.2016 Editor

Innovation is crucial for the development of the organic sector. By launching a Call for Innovations, TP Organics invites farmers, researchers and companies from the organic and other sectors to propose innovative solutions.

FiBL intensifies cooperation with China

Know How Research

18.07.2016 Editor

End of June the Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China in Switzerland visited the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL in Frick and expressed the interest in a collaboration.

Male chick killing could end

Know How Research

05.07.2016 Editor

Millions of male chicks are killed in egg production every year, since they can't lay eggs and aren't used for meat, according to CBC News.

Organic farming could feed the world

Know How Research

30.06.2016 Editor

For many years, the prevailing perception has been that organic farming cannot produce the sort of yields needed to provide food for the world’s population, explains The Huffington Post.

Largest independent’ study on crop biotechnology under scrutiny

Know How Research

17.06.2016 Editor

The Factor GMO is a project primarily organized by a Russian NGO called the National Association for Genetic Safety (NAGS) and claims to be the worlds largest independent study of GMO safety.

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