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Organic farming could feed the world

by Editor (comments: 0)

For many years now, the believe has become predominant, that organic farming could not produce enough food to supply the whole world’s population . It is true, that organic crops do not bring as much harvest as their conventional equivalents. But a new report from Friends of the Earth argues, that the harvest should not be the only measurement for a crop’s success.

Environmental safety, economic viability for the farmer and social responsibility should be considered as well.

As The Huffington Post reports, the Journal of Sustainable Agriculture and The Economist have already published researches, according to which the world’s farmer already produce enough food for 10 billion people. Therefore, there is no increase in production needed to feed the whole world. And it could be done with organic farming.

But until now, organic farming makes up only 0.7 percent of the whole agricultural production in the US and it will take a lot of time, until it could be considered mainstream.





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