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FiBL Switzerland: 20 years of organic research

by Editor (comments: 0)

FiBL Schweiz Standort Frick

Twenty years ago, sixty scientists and consultants belonging to the Research Institute of Organic Farming (FiBL) moved into the former School of Agriculture in Frick. Today FiBL and the control company bio.inspecta AG employ 300 people and there is to be further expansion of the facilities in Frick. “Moving to Frick was a quantum leap for the insitute that at that time was still small," says Urs Niggli, the director of FiBL Switzerland. "FiBL is  a Mecca for organic farming," is how Niggli summarises the way things have developed.

Even more innovation in the near future

The great potential of the institute lies in very innovative research to benefit organic farming and healthy nutrition, FiBL explains. Another focus is the welfare of animals on farms. For example, alternatives to the use of antibiotics in dairy farming have to be found.

The governing council of the Canton Aargau recognised the potential of FiBL and decided in December 2016  to support the modernisation of the research and education infrastructure of the institute in Frick with eleven million from the Swisslos fund. "We're convinced we can expect  lots of new ideas and practical solutions from FiBL in the future. It's in keeping with the  high-tech strategy of the canton," says the head of the  Department of Agriculture, Matthias Müller.




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