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Whole Foods gets a warning for “seriously violations”

by Editor (comments: 0)

John Mackey and Walter Robb, co-CEOs of Whole Foods, have received a warning by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) about the condition of the Whole Foods preparation facility in Everett, Massachusetts.

It seems, that inspectors found condensate leaking from the ceiling in some areas where food was stored. Also the lacking sanitization of food preparation surfaces, dirty dishes lying near food and sinks without hot water for hand-washing were noticed. An employee was even seen spraying sanitizer  on a colander with greens.

 "We were honestly surprised,” explained Ken Meyer, executive vice president of operations for Whole Foods Market, said in a statement, according to Fresh Plaza. "We've been in close contact with the FDA, opened our doors to inspectors regularly since February and worked with them to address every issue brought to our attention."


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