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Weleda facial care awarded twice in the UK

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Source: Premium Beauty News, Weleda 

Weleda’s newEvening Primrose Age Revitalising facial care range has just received two awards in the United Kingdom, Premium Beauty News reports. The facial care trio, consisting of a day and a night cream as well as an eye and a lip cream, has won a Good Housekeeping Reader Recommended award, after the products had been put through their paces in January by readers aged mid fifty or older, and trialed over the period of one month.

The day cream of this range has been awarded a New for 2015 Platinum Award by Janey Lee Grace in her pick of the most promising new natural launches for 2015. The range is certified by Natrue. Especially created for women aged 56 and over, Weleda’s Evening Primrose range is not anti-ageing, but instead enables mature skin to look its best; healthy, fresh and alive, according to company information.





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