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Natural Cosmetics 2.0 – new communities of belief in the web

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Natrue-LabelNaTrue, the International Association for Natural and Organic Cosmetics, is holding a special event at Vivaness to shed light on changing consumer patterns in the digital age and what they imply for the natural and organic sector. “We are living in the age of new media,” says NaTrue General Secretary Julie Tyrrell.

“Social networks like Facebook and Twitter have exploded and online communities play a major role in our lives. The economic crisis has also changed consumers' perceptions. People want transparency and long for safety and honesty. Natural and Organic Cosmetics can provide trust and be an anchor in times of uncertainty. We commissioned the Hamburg based consumer insight specialists, ‘Sturm und Drang’, with a study to pin-point these trends and their implications,” according to Julie Tyrrell.

Sturm und Drang will present the results of the study, providing an outlook on current trends as well as answers to how the sector can make use of opportunities. The event, “Natural Cosmetics 2.0 – new communities of belief in the web” takes place in room Helsinki (CCN Ost), on Friday, February 19, 2010, from 10 to 12 am. Contact for registration: Dorothé Lechowski




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