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Very successful U.S. Pavilion at Biofach

by Editor (comments: 0)

US flagThe American Organic Trade Association (OTA) together with the Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS), Office of Agricultural Affairs in Berlin and U.S. organic food and product companies participated in the Biofach and reported a leap in business inquiries.

In the U.S. Pavilion 24 companies displayed their products everything from nut butters to candy, food ingredients to grains and beans, dairy to poultry. Exhibitors in the U.S. Pavilion reported over 400 “serious” business inquiries, a 54% leap over 2017 reported contacts and USD $610,000 in on site sales, says the show report. In comparison to last year the site sales (USD$330,000) almost doubled.

EU Organic Boom Brings Opportunities for U.S. Exporters

Furtheron the report says how companies can take advantage of the strong growing demand for organic products in the European market. U.S. organic exports to the UE may have reached record levels in 2017. Still, good prospects exist for U.S. organic products such as sweet potatoes, fresh produce, dried fruit and nuts, specialty grains, and processed products as well as premium products. To contact the FAS OAA Berlin office, can be very helpful.

In Germany veganism has become increasingly popular and it is home to the most vegan product launches in the world. Also this creates export opportunities for U.S. companies as most major vegan food producers are based in the United States. There is good potential for meat and dairy substitutes as well as breakfast foods.

Tip: Get in contact with FAS Berlin or OTA to learn how you can take part in BIOFACH 2019



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BioFach / Vivaness

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