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VeganFest 2015 in Italy

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AssoVegan, the Italian vegan association, at a former edition of VeganFest

Thanks to the cooperation between BolognaFiere and Sana, the 5th edition of the VeganFest has been announced, taking place in Bologna from 12 to 15 September 2015. After the great success of the last editions that registered 43,000 visitors, this year’s VeganFest will represent the meeting place of the most important animal welfare and humanitarian organisations from many countries, the best organic products, the main eco-friendly and wellness companies and people sensitive to cruelty free ethics and life style, according to the organisers.

The 2015 VeganFest will be a special four-day occasion to share the aspects of vegan culture as a cross-cultural meeting open to every vegan eco-friendly stakeholder worldwide and to introduce it to whoever shows any interest or curiosity to find out more about this world and philosophy of life. VeganFest will feature a wide range of famous vegan brand products, among which a wide range of organics can be found, in an exhibition open to every company from the ethic scenery of eco-technologies, publishing, food, biocosmetics and health, clothing, furniture and wellness; a conference area with displays and book presentations, daily cooking shows; conferences on healthy diet with the collaboration of doctors and specialists; and exhibitions dedicated to human and animal rights.  More information is available here:




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