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Vegan Trend unbroken in Germany

by Editor (comments: 0)

Vegan nutrition has numerous followers in Europe and worldwide. The corresponding product range has developed into an important sector which generates good turnovers in Germany.

On the occasion of the BioFach 2016, over 900 exhibitors presented their vegan product ranges; around 170 products were exhibited at the VEGAN World of Experience alone, the organisers of BioFach explain. The vegan trend has also arrived in gastronomy: In Berlin alone, the number of vegan restaurants has increased in the last two years from 28 to 50. Whilst vegetarian-vegan events were previously perceived as “alternative sub-culture” events, they have now become mainstream. The “Vegane Sommerfest” (vegan summer festival) in Berlin, co-organised by the VEBU and attended by more than 55,000 visitors, is considered the largest in Europe. Last year, 20 such festivals took place across Germany.

The VEGAN World of Experience at Biofach will offer again a wide range of highlights also 2017. In addition to discussion groups and expert discussions concerning topics such as “Children as a target group – sustainable external meals for picky customers” or “The cost factor for organic quality – How can an organic range of offers prevail in the external market?”, numerous cooking shows will provide inspiration concerning vegan nutrition. Amongst other things, the live demonstrations will address vegan zero waste cuisine, milk, cheese and fish alternatives, pick-me-ups from the plant kingdom, such as Matcha, Maca & co., and seitan and lupins as an alternative to soy products.




Product ranges

BioFach / Vivaness

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