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USA: Senate introduces bill to promote organic agriculture

by Editor (comments: 0)

For years the organic production in the USA has lagged behind because of the government subsidiesed the big food industry. But now a bill is introduced to the senat that could change the game.

„Major retailers, like Costco, can’t get enough organic food to keep their shelves stocked“, says the GMO critical NGO Just label it and asked their supporters to contact their Congressional representatives and senators to urge them to support the Homegrown Organic Act. And further Just Label it explains: less than one percent of U.S. farmland is dedicated to organic agriculture but consumer demand for organic is soaring. Big corporations like Monsanto and Dow are going to fight this bill every step of the way.

Background of the Homegrown Organic Act

A bill recently introduced by Republican Ann Kuster and Senator Bob Casey, would help close the gap by providing more American farmers with the tools they need to make the transition to organic farming, explains Just Label it.

The Homegrown Organic Act of 2017 (H.R. 3637 and S. 2215) would modify existing voluntary agricultural conservation programs to better assist producers who want to switch to organic. The simple changes called for in the bill will provide transitioning producers with valuable technical and financial assistance, as well as make more farmland available to producers wanting to farm organically.

Action for supporters of the Homegrown Organic Act.


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