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USA: Organic Fast-Food Restaurant opened by Walmart

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<i>A Grown Restaurant has opened in Orlando (Photo © Grown/Walmart)</i>

An outpost of Grown, an organic restaurant chain, has opened in a Walmart Store in Orlando (Photo © Grown/Walmart)

Recently, the US super store chain Walmart has opened its first so called “farm-to-fork” fast food restaurant in Orlando, Florida. The new restaurant is an outpost of a chain known as Grown, founded by Ray and Shannon Allen and designed to serve organic food such as smoothies and falafel in environmentally friendly containers – if possible, sourced from local suppliers.

Due to the recent merger between Whole Food’s and Amazon, Walmart seems to be trying to find ways to keep pace with the online shopping market as well as the organic food market. As a result, from September 2017, the super store chain starts selling food and nonfood products online in cooperation with Google. However, even though green restaurants and organic food is getting more popular, Walmart will need some time to evaluate if this new model of offering more organic food fits into its present low-price concept.


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