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USA: Growing New Organic Farmers

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High demand for local and organic products in New Jersey

Urban and suburban communities all around New Jersey are driving up the demand for local and organic food. Farmers' markets have grown to over 140 in the Garden State, up from 40 in the year 2000, the Northeast Organic Farming Association New Jersey (NOFA-NJ) reports. The NOFA-NJ is the only organisation in the state solely dedicated to training and supporting the production, preparation, and distribution of locally-grown sustainable and organic foods in New Jersey. Since their founding in 1985, they have helped introduce and implement organic certification in the state, played a key role in policy-making to ensure access to organic food for local residents, and built a pipeline of future farmers through their Beginning Farmer Program. The NOFA-NJ Beginning Farmer Program bridges the gap for beginning farmers seeking support and education by making training more accessible and affordable to the beginning organic and sustainable farmer in the state.

Growing New Organic Farmers Kickstarter campaign launched

By launching a 30-day Growing New Organic Farmers Kickstarter campaign ending on 14 May 2015, NOFA-NJ hopes to raise US$20,000 directly benefiting beginning sustainable and organic farmers in the form of scholarships to further increase their access to education and training. If they reach their minimum goal, stretch goals have been identified to create an online video learning library and add more mentors to their Mentorship Program. Contributing to this Kickstarter campaign has a direct impact on the future of beginning organic and sustainable farmers in the Garden State creating more successful organic farmers to meet the state's demand for organic food. On the third day of the campaign, Growing New Organic Farmers has already been selected as a Kickstarter Staff Pick. More information is available here.



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