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USA: First World Fairtrade Challenge campaign

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This year, the Bolivian Embassy highlighted Fairtrade organic coffee grown by small-scale Fairtrade coffee farmers during the Open Day of the embassies in Washington DC that attracted over 30,000 visitors, according to Digital Journal. Earlier this month Mayorga Organics stationed their food truck outside of the embassy to give away thousands of cups of fairtrade, organic coffee from Bolivia. The beans were donated by Atlas Coffee Importers and are certified fairtrade by the DC-based non-profit, Fairtrade America.

This year marks also the launch of the first global fairtrade campaign, the World Fairtrade Challenge. The WFC campaign is designed to raise awareness of issues faced by coffee farmers, so educating embassy visitors about the hard-working people who grow their specialty coffee was an ideal fit.

“We’re excited to introduce Washingtonians to this vibrant Latin American fair trade export,” explains Fairtrade America’s Executive Director, Hans Theyer. “Visit the embassy, have a free cup of Fairtrade organic Bolivian coffee out of the Mayorga Organics food truck, watch traditional dancing, peruse craft tables and enjoy regional food.” Fairtrade America works with farmers and workers, businesses and consumers to make trade fairer.



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