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US: new food label beyond organic coming soon

by Editor (comments: 0)

Dry soil

Regenerative Organic Certification is a concept that goes "beyond organic" (Photo © Pixabay)

On 13th September 2017, the Rodale Institute presented draft standards for a product certification considering organic standards as well as regeneration of resources. The concept of a Regenerative Organic Certification was created by Rodale and an association of farmers, ranchers, nonprofits, scientists and brands. By establishing higher standards for soil health and land management, farmer and worker fairness as well as animal welfare, the certification will go much further than just “organic”. The Organic Consumer Association welcomes the new certification, as mere “sustainable” production and the certification by the USDA organic label (though far better than intensive, GMO-polluted agriculture) alone don’t work anymore. Companies like Monsanto and Bayer claim to be "sustainable" and "climate-smart", which is why these terms lose their meaning and substance.

According to Rodale Institute, the new standard will be managed by NSF International, a Michigan based product testing, inspection and certification organization. Furthermore, the project will be open to various certification partners.

The Organic Consumer Association underlines the role of organic regenerative agriculture in reversing global warming, because it helps to restore the soil's capacity to draw down and sequester excess CO2 from the atmosphere as well as increasing crop resiliency by restoring soil health and biodiversity.


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