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US: higher sales of natural and organic personal care products in 2016

by Editor (comments: 0)

NOPC sales chart

US natural beauty care sales and market share by product class (Photo © Kline Group)

In May 2016, the Global Cosmetic Industry Magazine reported that the US-market for natural and organic personal care products, including cosmetics, skin and hair care and many other products, reached $5.7 bn in 2016. Hence, the market increased by 9.2% over the previous year. According to Naira Aslanian of Kline Group, who produced the study, the main reason for this growth is the customers’ expanding interest in wellness including nutrition as well as self-care.

As the study reveals, 67% of customers who bought natural and organic personal care products (NOPC) are trying to pursuit a healthier lifestyle. A further 49% of people who buy NOPC consider them safer and of higher quality than conventional products. Consumers who don’t buy NOPC point out to higher prices in contrast to conventional products.

In skin care, which makes up the majority of US natural cosmetics sales, facial treatments are the leading driver behind the increase. Moreover, Kline states that natural hair care sales have caught up with sales of natural cosmetics because of lacking conventional retail growth for the latter segment. In line with people’s growing health awareness, Jana Vyleta of the market research firm Mintel furthermore predicts a potential growth of children’s personal care products as parents choose these products more and more carefully.

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