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Ukraine: register for Anti Fraud Initiative Conference

by Editor (comments: 0)

The organic market has currently the best quality management system of the whole food market, but fraud is still an issue. The Anti Fraud Initiative (AFI) in collaboration with IFOAM invites for the workshop “Improving Integrity of Organic Supply Chains” in Odesa (Ukraine) on 21-22 September 2017.

Representatives from the Ukrainian Ministry of Agriculture and the relevant competent authorities among others the new head of the Organic Unit, Nicolas Verlet, will participate as well as H. van Boxem and Miles McEvoy, who is responsible for organic imports in the US at the USDA.

The Anti Fraud Initiative (AFI) aims to improve cross border communication among inspection and certification bodies, trade companies, label organisations and authorities to strenghten organic integrity.

The AFI organiser team published the program of the conference Improving Integrity of Organic Supply Chains.

The objectives of this event are to:

•         Create awareness among traders on how to secure reliable organic products

•         Identify cornerstones for effective controls in regions with complex bureaucratic production and trade regulations

•         Improve risk oriented inspection methods

•         Create awareness for joint responsibility (producer – trader – CB – authority) of the entire supply chain

•         Create awareness in Ukraine on the import requirements of the main importing countries with regards to organic production


Venue: Hotel Gagarinn, Odesa (Ukraine)

The preliminary program of the conference in Odesa is attached and will be regularly updated on

Fees Conference: 300 Euro. The fees cover participation at the conference, as well as all food and beverages during the conference and a common conference dinner. Accommodation in Odesa have to be arranged by the participants themselves. A list of recommended hotels will be provided upon request. Please get in touch with us in case you face problems to cover the fees or travel costs.

For registration of the Conference in Odesa. Final registration by 31.07.2017 

For any further inquiries please contact for international participants.

Former meetings of AFI





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