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UK: Soil Association’s Organic September campaign starting today

by Editor (comments: 0)

Organic September logo

The Organic September campaign's logo (Photo © Soil Association)

After the huge success of last year’s campaign, Soil Association is starting its new Organic September campaign today. The campaign aims at reaching as many people as possible via producers, press and social media in order to support growth of the organic market as well as to make consumers understand the difference organic makes compared to conventional products.

Companies, retailers, media and other multipliers have been invited to get involved to raise awareness for their brand, to become part of an important national campaign and to win new customers. To make the campaign as successful as possible, Soil Association plans to realize actions such as a digital hub on the Soil Association website, a user generated content and social media campaign using the Hashtags #Choose and #OrganicSeptember, a dedicated day of organic in the independent retailers called Organic September Saturday on the 16th September and a weekly email marketing campaign for consumers.

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