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UK: Organic Trade Board kicks off 2015 campaign

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If your food could talk, what would it tell you?

The Organic.Naturally Different campaign has achieved great cut through with consumers - campaign recognition is 35% amongst the UK population - and supported recent growth in organics in the UK.  The refresh of the campaign builds on evidence from consumer research to ensure that it is now even more effective at driving growth in the organic market. Highlights of the campaign include  organic seasonal recipes from British chefs - easy, everyday organic cooking, as well as an 'Organic challenge' with influential food, lifestyle and parenting bloggers. The challenge encourages people to feed themselves and their family on organic for the same price as the average non-organic grocery shop. It also includes  the 'Wake up to organic' regional sampling activity through independent retailers.

The new campaign has started with the ads outside major supermarkets - Sainsbury's, Tesco and Waitrose - in London where numbers of organic shoppers are highest to drive increased sales across categories. In April, big billboard posters will go live across London and be up for six months.  Online advertising will also be going live with Tesco online in the last three weeks of April. More information is available here.


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